Channel letter,3D letter,letter,Led Acrylic letters
Channel letter,3D letter,letter,Led Acrylic letters
MINI channel letter the depth with 20-40mm
MINI channel letter the depth with 20-40mm
channel letter
It is channel letter that combines both the facelit and backlit features These signs give a very high visibility during the day and light Facelit and backlit lettering illuminates the face of the signs and has the light halo aroung the back of the sign ...
What kind of zig zag led strip is used for the MINI channel letter?
The mini channel letter depth is about 20mm-40mm,the most common channel letter depth on the market is 25mm and 30mm. We suggest our C7160T zig zag led strip for the mini channel letter 1. High viscosity thermal conductive adhesive 2. The Newest Unique...
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